Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja

Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja


Regional Investigation Officer

Bogotá, D.C.


1 Puesto


Contrato a término indefinido

Tiempo Completo

The Regional Investigation Officer is responsible for planning, organizing, and managing serious and complex investigations of alleged misconduct or violations of the ICRC internal policies and procedures, ensuring best practices are applied to the investigations. The Regional Investigation Officer has the responsibility travel within the ICRC Americas region.

under the direct supervision of the designate, the incumbent is responsible for the following duties:

• Prioritize follow-up based on instructions from Head of the Investigation Unit or Designate.
• Support oversight and guidance of Inquiry led cases.
• Plans, organizes, conducts and manages investigations of alleged misconduct or alleged violations of ICRC internal policies and procedures.
• Obtains and review relevant documentation; plan and conduct interviews and take statements; analyse facts, determine findings, and formulate recommended disciplinary and jurisdictional actions; gather and analyse electronic evidence.
• Determine whether matters involve potential fraud, corruption or other illegal or criminal conduct warranting referral to national authorities.
• Prepare complete and concise investigation reports and conduct post-investigation tasks.
• As instructed by the Head of Investigations or Designate, prepare cases for submission to the internal justice system and/or referral to relevant national jurisdictions and support the case manager in the triage process.

• University Degree in Social sciences, economics or law and/or professional certification from national law enforcement bodies;
• Knowledge of accounting principles and practices.
• Minimum 6-8 years of experience with investigatory procedures and practice. 1-2 years within international organizations.
• Expertise in investigation techniques, particularly where conduct also may have criminal implications that could result in prosecution before local courts.
• Knowledge of legal, procedural and evidentiary standards.
• Previous experience in investigating internal fraud, sexual harassment, harassment, abuse of authority, and/or sexual exploitation and abuse cases is a strong asset.
• Experience with victim handling and safeguarding activities.
• Knowledge of international investigative and/or administrative tribunal legal, procedural and evidentiary standards.
• MUST be Computer Proficient.
• Excellent drafting and report writing skills.
• Availability to travel frequently.
• Certificate of good conduct.
• Fluency in Spanish and in English (Minimum C1 Level)

• Strongly motivated by humanitarian work.
• Ability to analyse and write with rigour, precision and clarity.
• Tenacity, sense of responsibility, autonomy and initiative.
• Leadership, personnel management, teamwork and collaboration.

• Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
• Work location: Bogota
• Contract type: Indefinite local contract (under Colombian labour law)
• The salary is determined under Colombia’s ICRC Salary Scale, for this position the Grade in B3
• Activity rate: 100%
• Starting date: As soon as possible
• Benefits in academic studies, languages and professional development
• International savings financed by the organization, of 11.5% of the monthly salary

The interested candidates should fill up a form by clicking the link below and then submit their CV, motivation letter, including references details, supporting documents (Certificates, Diplomas, Degree etc) and current and expected remuneration to ICRC Bogota Delegation, HR Department via the link address provided below no later than 30th July 2024 at 18:00 hs :

You must complete this form (, which is mandatory to consider your application.


Postgrado / Especialización
Español - Avanzado
Inglés - Avanzado
Teamwork & Collaboration
People management

Experiencia profesional
5-10 años

Sobre Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja

El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja es una organización que tiene la misión exclusivamente humanitaria de proteger a las víctimas de la guerra y de la violencia interna, así como de prestarles asistencia.

La acción del CICR se funda en los Convenios de Ginebra de 1949 y sus Protocolos adicionales, así como en los Estatutos de la Institución –y los del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja– y las resoluciones de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja. Es una organización independiente y neutral que brinda protección y asistencia humanitarias a las víctimas de conflictos armados y otras situaciones de violencia, y promueve el respeto del DIH.